The world has ignored talking about the needs of a female body. Women's body is blessed with the privilege to create life, the work God himself assigned her. We are afraid to talk about the changes she goes through. We as a society have failed to respect the work of nature. Periods have been a taboo, especially in a country like India. We don't even talk about it in our families, we don't teach our girls that it is a part of their life rather put her inside four walls far far away from the inside of the house because she is 'unpure'. It's time to change this mentality, it's time to start appreciating the fact that periods are natural and it only makes a woman stronger. It is who she is, it's raw.
The meaning of the word rage express very extreme emotions. Emotions that can't be controlled. In current days, the safety of women in India has become one of the major issues. This artwork is a depiction of the feelings of a common female citizen. Women of all ages are scared to step out of thier safe zone, during the pandemic we can see how domestic violence has increased, a women is not safe even in her home. The respect and value a women should have is missing in this society and we need to start talking about it. All the women of India stand together in this fight for justice, for thier safety. It's for all of us to speak up.
/is loving myself more, a crime?/
When it comes to being a women, people have a lot of exceptions. From the way we dress to the way we smile everything has to be according to to the 'rule book' created by the society. It hardly matters what you are from inside, the world expects the women to be perfect all the time. What if we are not perfect? What if we want to live on our own terms? We all know the answer to that. I guess loving myself more is indeed a crime!
There are a lot of people you meet whose presence can light up your entire day. We always think all these sunny and shiny people have nothing to worry about, they are always happy and their only job is to make other feel the same way. But they happy people might be the saddest of all, their charm can be a way to hide all the pain inside that flesh. Let's talk to each other, let's take all the pain away, let's be each other's light!
/the choice i made for myself/
God created feelings but forgot to give a handbook along with them. Now, who will tell me who I am supposed to love, can she be of same sex as mine? Does she have to look like all those girls from the magazines? What if I upset God by choosing the wrong person to love. I can't seem to satisfy the criteria created by the society. I don't fit into their perfect fairy tales, because apparently only strong and handsome guys can make a girl like me happy. So here I am making these decisions for myself. Why do I care so much about fitting in? Forget about love, what if I don't feel like myself in my owm body.
This project is a series of digital painting showing the acceptance of ones own sexuality and gender. For some, the circumstances of life are hard. They live their lives on others term, and spend everyday fighting themselves. Sometimes people accept that they are who the people expect them to be and it is okay!

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