K R Flower Market is one of Asia's biggest Flower markets. Flowers are considered to be big gestures, be it for love or for religion. Fiowers are a part of most Indian festivals and weddings; they are used to decorate, as offering to dieteis, even as jewels. They add colors and life to celebrations. Flowers, being organic are safe for the environmend, but then, something that grows on the land and belongs to nature, is made into a commodity. How does this commoddification change our perception of flowers? How does walking through a field of roses or sitting next to a pond full of lotus, different from a sack full of rose petals and stacks of lotus bulbs kept for sale? I visited the flower market to experience how these flowers when removed from their natural surroundings of soil and leaves, look beautiful, but at the same time become as disposable and inanimate as brightly colored plastic.