We all have our insecurities. Mine was passed on to me with my genes, being born a dark and of an athletic built girl in India comes with a lot of comments and taunts from the society, they will always have an opinion on your weight, your skin, your body language. During my childhood, I started playing sports and I was tanned and bruised all the time, I had boy-cut hair and I did not look like some of the other girls in my class who I found extremely beautiful. Since then, I knew I am not meant to look like that and I have to accept my skin and my body. After years of hate towards my self, I questioned myself, why did I want to be like them so badly? And I had no answer, and the was the beginning of my journey towards convincing myself that I am different and I have to embrace that.
This photo essay is the exhibit of how sometimes all these old insecurities come crawling back and how I fight it and embrace my flaws.

Passing through my skin
Dripping water

Lurking the Fantasies in an 8'×8' room
Hiding from the gaze of the strangers
I sneak a bunch of raiment
They fit me like a fantasy
I stop and I stare and I stare
Suddenly my eyes become theirs
I see flaws and I see glares
I walk out with a the same old tee thinking
I will come again and not think of their eyes judging me.